Audience Nevin Mays Audience Nevin Mays

How to write about a universal truth

Many of my clients (and authors in general) write because they want to express a universal truth. Or because they want to encourage readers to accept an emotional or social concept, like self-love or the benefits of helping others. It can be tempting to state simply and absolutely: “Treat others as you want to be treated,” or “You will be happy if you just love yourself as you are.” And then just leave it at that. I advise against it, though. For one thing, that’s not very much fun, as reading experiences go. And it’s also not convincing.

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Audience Nevin Mays Audience Nevin Mays

Who is your ideal audience and why is that important?

I ask every new client, “Who is your intended audience?” Quite often the answer is an enthusiastic “Everyone!” And I’m so glad to know my writer friends are ambitious and inclusive. You must be ambitious to be successful as a published author. And while it’s not always necessary to be inclusive, it is a laudable desire, especially when creating content for children.

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